Monday night 7 December at 18:00 hours sharp, some dozens of bars and restaurant across Europe will be tapping kegs with freshly brewed beer by an American craft brewery – in Europe! Craft and Draft, one of Peter van der Arend’s bars in Amsterdam, will be one of them.
For quite some time now renovations have been going on in Berlin, converting an old gas factory into ‘Stone World Bistro and Gardens – Berlin, Germany’. It is modelled after the original in Escondido (California) and is a combination of a production brewery, a pilot brewery, a massive tasting room, great and large restaurant as well as a city park…. Work is not completed yet but the pilot brewery is up and running and the folks are too excited to wait for us and try them!
Stone Brewing ranks between the ‘craft establishment’ of the American beer revolution and is one of the largest in the States. Stone beers however weren’t easily found in Europe as the brewery preferred not to export them: the long sea voyage would destroy most of the aroma’s in the beer. To have the Old World be able to try them anyway, they simply decided to bring not the beer, but a brewery to Europe and produce locally – and fresh! So, Berlin will be the place where ‘our’ Stone IPA and Arrogant Bastard will come from, as well as the winter warmer Stone Xocoveza!
All in all a historic moment you can be with, enjoying these great brews at Craft and Draft this Monday 7 December at 18:00!
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