Fine dining with fine beer at Bar ALT

Finally - fine dining, paired with beautiful beers, can now also be done in Amsterdam. Copenhagen, San Francisco, Brussel and New York have been having it for years. Amsterdam did have a few places taking beer seriously: Lieve (now Spingaren) and Restaurant Dwars, where chef Jo Vaessen worked with local ingredients and dito beers. Perhaps ...

TGIF: Café Foeders – new beer gem in Amsterdam

As long as I can remember the place was café Amstelvaart, or really café-billiard, and that confounded billiards table was inconveniently placed in the centre of the pub. I have been in once and didn’t stay long: although rumor has it this place was the oldest pub in De Pijp (as the area is called), ...

‘THEY SAID IT COULDN’T BE DONE, SO WE DID IT’ – hops from Amsterdam instead of tulips.

I guess one of the things craft beer aficionados like most about the new wave of brewers is the fact they do not take ‘no’ for an answer easily. Pushing envelopes seems more rule than exception, testing boundaries has become a way of life. Now, that virus is spreading to adjacent ‘industries’. Hop is growing ...