Interesting times these are, for sure. Great beers are available in abundance, and more to come. Beer aficionados must feel as if they’re in Walhalla and should be happy. Or should they worry? I don’t know for sure. Interesting times, and sometimes we get interesting news. Read the below and make up your own mind ...
OHIM – Stone is here to help beer be taken seriously
Although there is still some uncertainty about when exactly the production brewery is completely up and running, there is already quite some beer coming out of the first American Craft brewery in Europe: Stone Berlin. The launch was celebrated by co-founder Greg Koch in Amsterdam.Continue Reading...
TGIF: The ‘Crowler’!
An unusual silence prevailed in recent weeks on My Life With Beer - a few of you already speculated about my premature demise - and it is now coming to an end again. The silence was caused by a field trip in the United States which actually provided ample substance to talk to you about. ...
Beer in can – blessing or blasphemie?
Every once in a while, the discussion on beer in cans pops up again. The majority of beer drinkers still seem hesitant towards the idea, if not downright negative. I believe can is the best option to package beer in and I feel even more so after reading this post by Marie Miller-Rodriguez. In her post ...