Carnivale Brettanomyces, an Amsterdam-based beer festival dedicated to Brettanomyces and other wild things, sees its fifth anniversary this year. Originally started by Elaine Olsthoorn and Jan Lemmens, known as the ‘other wild things’ from Bierproeflokaal In de Wildeman and bottle shop De Bierkoning respectively, the festival has grown to be the single-largest Brettanomyces Beer Festival ...
06Jan 2016
Heineken experiments with the soul (of its beer)!
“A flying crow always catches something”. These winged words (excuse me for the cheap pun) are often used by Gaius Voûte, CEO of Bier&cO and thus my boss. Beside the fact he’s a daintily chap we mainly know him for his aphorisms like the above, acquired in his domestic and abroad years. “Romeo Delta” is ...